Amerikanska Gymnasiet

Amerikanska Gymnasiet

Tell me about Amerikanska Gymnasiet, who would you say you are?

We are a school initiative in Sweden that combines the best of the American school system within the framework of the Swedish curriculum. We provide a Swedish high school experience with inspiration from the structure, discipline, and fun events found in American high schools. We have a strong focus on speech, rhetoric, debate, and after-school activities with various clubs.

How did you get in touch with Travelmate?

We were founded in 2015, and Travelmate came into the picture a couple of years later, around 2017. I would say it was somewhat coincidental. One of the owners, who lived next to Göran, told him about our school, and he immediately became interested. He, in turn, talked to Fredrik, who also liked our idea. Both of them were highly involved in the establishment in 2019.

How did the idea of Travelmate investing in Amerikanska Gymnasiet come about?

Certainly, there was an economic perspective involved. Starting a school requires long-term financial stability. We need to be a guarantee that it will be beneficial for all the students and teachers who choose to join us. Another factor that played a role in the decision was the expertise possessed by both Göran and Fredrik. It means a lot to the school and the students to have skilled individuals as owners. For us, it’s important to provide students with what they need to navigate the world after graduation, and that’s another reason why Travelmate is the right choice for us. They are great entrepreneurs with worldly experience, bringing a lot to the school’s operations!

Tell me about Amerikanska Gymnasiet, who would you say you are?

We are a school initiative in Sweden that combines the best of the American school system within the framework of the Swedish curriculum. We provide a Swedish high school experience with inspiration from the structure, discipline, and fun events found in American high schools. We have a strong focus on speech, rhetoric, debate, and after-school activities with various clubs.

How did you get in touch with Travelmate?

We were founded in 2015, and Travelmate came into the picture a couple of years later, around 2017. I would say it was somewhat coincidental. One of the owners, who lived next to Göran, told him about our school, and he immediately became interested. He, in turn, talked to Fredrik, who also liked our idea. Both of them were highly involved in the establishment in 2019.

How did the idea of Travelmate investing in Amerikanska Gymnasiet come about?

Certainly, there was an economic perspective involved. Starting a school requires long-term financial stability. We need to be a guarantee that it will be beneficial for all the students and teachers who choose to join us. Another factor that played a role in the decision was the expertise possessed by both Göran and Fredrik. It means a lot to the school and the students to have skilled individuals as owners. For us, it’s important to provide students with what they need to navigate the world after graduation, and that’s another reason why Travelmate is the right choice for us. They are great entrepreneurs with worldly experience, bringing a lot to the school’s operations!

What was the process like from start to finish?

After Fredrik and Göran were introduced to our idea, a process began with several meetings where we could extensively present Amerikanska Gymnasiet. These meetings led to even greater interest from Travelmate as they realized the opportunity to make a difference for many people. The purpose of the entire project is for every student and staff member to develop and reach their full potential. The board has been formed based on the competencies we believe are best for the school. Initially, we had only one school, but starting from 2023, we will be welcoming students in five schools throughout Sweden.

What role does Travelmate play for you today? How do they contribute?

Göran is one of the members of Amerikanska Gymnasiets board and participates in all our meetings. When it comes to significant issues and major decisions, Göran is an invaluable sounding board. He always has insightful thoughts, and I’m very pleased to have him to discuss with. I don’t meet Fredrik as frequently, but when I do, it’s evident that he has a lot to contribute.

What are the main benefits of the collaboration with Travelmate?

One thing we truly appreciate about Travelmate is their entrepreneurial mindset, which can inspire principals, teachers, students, and everyone involved. It’s clear that their focus is finding the best solutions for both the operations and the students. The international perspective they bring is also highly positive. One of the school’s main objectives is to prepare students for a global job market, and both Göran and Fredrik contribute to that perspective. They understand what it means to be a global citizen today.

What was the process like from start to finish?

After Fredrik and Göran were introduced to our idea, a process began with several meetings where we could extensively present Amerikanska Gymnasiet. These meetings led to even greater interest from Travelmate as they realized the opportunity to make a difference for many people. The purpose of the entire project is for every student and staff member to develop and reach their full potential. The board has been formed based on the competencies we believe are best for the school. Initially, we had only one school, but starting from 2023, we will be welcoming students in five schools throughout Sweden.

What role does Travelmate play for you today? How do they contribute?

Göran is one of the members of Amerikanska Gymnasiets board and participates in all our meetings. When it comes to significant issues and major decisions, Göran is an invaluable sounding board. He always has insightful thoughts, and I’m very pleased to have him to discuss with. I don’t meet Fredrik as frequently, but when I do, it’s evident that he has a lot to contribute.

What are the main benefits of the collaboration with Travelmate?

One thing we truly appreciate about Travelmate is their entrepreneurial mindset, which can inspire principals, teachers, students, and everyone involved. It’s clear that their focus is finding the best solutions for both the operations and the students. The international perspective they bring is also highly positive. One of the school’s main objectives is to prepare students for a global job market, and both Göran and Fredrik contribute to that perspective. They understand what it means to be a global citizen today.